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- Drivechains are effectively a block size increase.
Drivechains are effectively a block size increase.
Latest This Week in Bitcoin edition for August 17th, 2023
Hey Bitcoiner, Welcome back to another edition of…

Welcome back to the newsletter making sure your not falling behind on all the cool ish happening across Bitcoin.
We’re trying a different style of newsletter this weekend. Instead of bombarding you with micro-snippets of news, Im going to break it up into a few most interesting chunks.
At the bottom, you can find the usual list of interesting news with links direct to the source.
Let’s jump in.

The World’s First Ordinals Accelerator 😲
Bitcoin Frontier Fund announced their next cohort is now open and accepting applications. They are doubling down on the Ordinals innovation and investing heavily into builders creating new stuff for Bitcoin leveraging Ordinal Theory.
Some heavy hitters in the Bitcoin space like Xverse, ALEX, and Gamma have graduated from the BFF Accelerator.
So, what’s the offer?
We're excited to offer Bitcoin Ordinals founders $100k in funding, an amazing community of top builders and investors
And first-class support for raising funds and product growth!
Applications are NOW open! Program starts Q4.
A Thread 🧵👇
— trevor.btc (@TO)
3:10 PM • Aug 14, 2023
First, hit this link and check out the website. They have a stacked list of mentors, access to experts across tokenomcis, legal, tech, product, and fundraising.
They are investing $100k into companies.
You can apply to the program directly here.
(Full disclosure; I work at BFF as a partner)
Want to earn 50k satoshis? Check out Atomic Finance.
I’ve been bullish on DLC’s (Discreet Log Contracts) for awhile as a way to do new cool things with Bitcoin with minimal custody risk. Atomic Finance is one of the first in the ring using this DLC tech to let you, yes you, earn a yield on your BTC without giving up custody.
I recently signed up and my current BTC is locked up and earning a yield. Will report back my results in 9 days when the cycle ends.
If you want to jump in before the next cycle starts. Hit the link above and get an additional $14 in BTC added to your stack.
Drivechains, Drivechains, Drivechains.

They’ve been the talk of the town lately. Every OG Bitcoiner is sounding off and giving their take on why it’s the saving grace for Bitcoin and potentially the last change we would ever need OR it forever breaks miner incentives and takes the focus off creating this pristine store of value that is BTC.
As a newbie Bitcoiner minted in the hype cycle of 2021. My ignorance wont allow me to have a strong take. I will say there is a lot of talking past each other and not discussing topics at the same level of analysis. While I formulate my thoughts on the topic, i’ll drop some threads you might find interesting on this debate.
The Misconception of Weakening Altcoins Through Drivechains
Recently, I penned an essay on why drivechains won't eradicate altcoins, and it appears to have sparked some heated reactions. Several drivechain advocates have come forward with different responses, prompting me to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
— Jimmy Song (송재준) (@jimmysong)
9:49 PM • Aug 14, 2023
@brian_trollz@bergealex4@barackomaba@peterktodd The game theory will require all miners to mine the second chain as well in order to remain profitable.
It's effectively just a blocksize increase.
Have you been ignoring the fundamental argument against it from the beginning?
— StopAndDecrypt 🖕 (@StopAndDecrypt)
1:03 AM • Jul 18, 2023
TLDR on this particular point:
It’s effectively a blocksize increase in utility. You can do more with your BTC.
It’s not a blocksize increase in L1 nodes. Decentralization at the base layer is preserved.
Moving on.
Here’s the heavy list of new releases and interesting news (in no particular order)
Joltz Rewards launches their API for Bitcoin Rewards as a Service.
Satimoto lets you pay to charge your EV vehicle at over 24 thousand charging stations using a Lightning payment.
Liquid open-sourced the blockchain code their validators (called functionaries) run
Exploit was found in a popular Bitcoin Library that lead to the theft of just under $1 million BTC.
Xverse Wallet adds support for cursed and recursive inscriptions across their suite of browser and mobile wallets.
Bitcoin Optech newsletter edition #264. This one goes deep into privacy solutions that currently exist on Bitcoin.
Brian Astrove wrote on article on how Lightning can empower AI Agents to purchase things to fulfill their goals.
Citrine Capital posted a great article on the benefits of Bitcoin on the climate issue.
James O’Beirne wrote an excellent article on the current scaling solutions for Bitcoin and “realistic” consensus changes that could be needed.
Ledger Live now supports the STX token natively.
Velar released a new liquidity pool and swaps between STX/xBTC. Paving the way for swaps between sBTC in the near future.
Here’s a snippet from my episode dropping on Friday, August 18th
with Jesse Shrader (CEO & Co-Founder of Amboss)